Are you in the FFC?


I don’t really consider myself just as a business owner. I am something more specific. And you might be, too. And if you are, you have an ally in me. So, please reach out.

I’m a founder.

A female founder.

How’s that unique? And here’s how you know that you might be one, too!

Founders (who happen to be female)

  • Founded companies that have both INTERNAL + EXTERNAL mission statements

  • Founded companies that are meant to grow and scale

  • Work everyday to become the best version of what their business requires of them

  • Don’t blame the market or others for their lack of growth. They figure it out and deliver it to themselves.

  • Draw their decision-making from inside (not from customers or the general public)

  • Don’t avoid growth

  • Don’t use lack of time, money or resources as a reason to stay small or not solve their problems.

  • Put up with a lot of sexist bullshit that’s prevalent in business culture (but are acutely aware of it)

  • Remain innovative (in business, it’s grow or die)

  • Are obsessed with their businesses

  • Are used to risk (we know it’s a part of the game)

  • Have big dreams that drive their business decisions

  • Has a team who needs to embody and embrace their mission in order to grow

  • Invest in their team members in ways that force them to grow as bosses

  • Don’t see themselves as a commodity, and they know that the way to more success is to continually set themselves apart (which requires they define exactly who that is)

  • Set goals for themselves (typically monthly, quarterly and yearly)

  • Have high standards for themselves and their teams

It’s ok to remain small. Truly. But if your business dreams are growing, your founder mentality will have to grow, as well. If you want your business to scale (not merely just make more money), you’re going to be more on the track of CEO than you will be as Business Owner / Business Manager.

That’s where I went between 2017 and 2018.

I was re-born as a Creative CEO + Founder. I became committed to this mission, to this team, and to becoming someone that delivers on the dreams of an entire staff, not just myself.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to become a Founder or even just want to connect to more founders, get in touch! I’d love talking to more fantastic female founders!


Why we're resilient to bad weather at Cleveland Flea.


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