I moved to Turkey– here's why.

On January 7th, 2022 I decided to move to Turkey. 54 days later I was on a plane to a country I had never even been to, or honestly even researched. It’s been one of the best decisions of my life.

I’ve wanted to live in another country for as long as I realized other countries existed. In college I studied in Italy and after I graduated I moved to The Netherlands for a bit.

And at the end of my time there, I didn’t even pursue staying. Looking back, I’ve nearly always had a disregulated nervous system that stifled my potential and made my life difficult at every stage.

After the global shakeup we know as The Pandemic of 2020, I ended up solving that internal disregulation and was finally able to live a life-long dream of moving abroad.

My friends Allie and Güven from Together Textiles told me they were taking their small family back to Turkey. And before I knew was I was saying, I said, “I’m going with you!”

And I did.

I sold / gave away all my things.

I cleaned out 2 massive storage spaces and my office.

I had no money so I had to figure that out, and I did.

I bought a suitcase and renewed my passport and bought a ticket to Istanbul.

I will share more of this story at a later date, but what I want to leave you with is that my brain solved for this when I finally decided to believe in it, not before. I had dreamed and thought about this move for a long time. But I’d never taken any action. I hadn’t even research anything.

But as soon as I decided that this was happening, THAT’S when I figured it out. My brain did that.

And yours can, too.



Getting your photo taken is practice in self-acceptance, self-love, and growth.


Why I love this Turkish saying so much.