A big mindset shift in your ability to take some seriously creative action.

“I want to take action, but I don’t know what to do.”

This is a gem I get from so many of my clients. Here’s what it typically reveals:

  • They’re scared (totally normal!!!)

  • They think they will feel less scared at some other time. (maybe, maybe not)

  • They think they shouldn’t feel scared when doing something their brain finds scary (this is just 100% delusion of course if your brain tells you to be scared you will be scared)

  • They think feeling scared is the only option (ps you do have a say in how you feel)

  • They don’t realize they can actually talk back to their brain <— and this is what I want to explain to you today!

The world will tell you to be scared. You can disagree.

Your parents and friends will tell you to be scared. You can disagree.

Your OWN brain will tell you to be scared. You can disagree.

This is the step that seems to take the most time to learn. Keeping a thought (even if it makes us feel bad or scared) is also something we KNOW.

We KNOW what we get when we keep a thought. We don’t often know what we will get if we change one.

And part of what our scared brain likes is predictability. What can possibly happen if we decide to stop believing that we can’t leave our job? Will we just ruin our lives?

That’s often what our brain jumps to. And then THAT thought scares us.

Changing your thought doesn’t mean that you take any action yet. It just means that you disagree with the thought your brain gives you and choose one that makes you feel better or one that is more aligned with your future self, and you calm your body when it is scared of the unknown of a new thought.




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