Content Creation Q&A: Using your iPhone instead of a fancy camera.

I got a question from a fellow founder who routinely connects with me via my stories–

“Do you take all these pictures on your phone? I want to incorporate my photography into my coaching practice but using my photography gear for everything feels a little taxing.”

Here’s my answer for her.

Of course it’s ok! It’s light. It’s’ always there. It has a good camera. So much less planning is required, because you probably always have it with you.

You have permission, even if you’re a photographer, to take photos with your smartphone instead of your camera AND post it on your grid. Or your website. Or stories. Or wherever.

It doesn’t make you any less of a professional photographer.And, if you’re like me and you still like editing, then pop those iPhone shots into Lightroom (on your phone) and use your favorite presets to do some light and easy editing so you can adjust your images slightly to your desire.

Then, post them! Many of my photos these days are from my phone because I travel A LOT and because I can achieve lots of good photos with my phone. And I like to keep my life easy, when possible.

So, go ahead and use your phone. You don’t need my permission, but you have it anyway.




A big mindset shift in your ability to take some seriously creative action.


Sometimes The Universe is so fucking annoying. But she's always right!