I got this message from a fellow founder– and it sparked my new product.

Here’s the how and why behind my new product, The Content Subscription

I got this WhatsApp message from a fellow woman founder:

“Do you offer 1:1 Coaching? I want to hire you as soon as I start making money. I spent an obscene amount of money on my branding and everything is beautiful but I didn't get any instruction on how to utilize it.”

Here was my answer for her, and for you if you’ve also got the desire to write and share more content that you love.

“Let me help you get started.”

Your business thrives when you share more. Your personal fulfillment thrives more when you truly connect with those who you’re here to serve– your clients and community.

But you find yourself wanting to write and share and not doing it all that much. It feels a bit overwhelming at times, and then you get to the end of the day and you haven’t shared on your newsletter OR social.


It’s sort of writer’s block meets way-too-many-options meets imposter syndrome.

  • You have a lot of photos (or you can get a lot of photos for free online) but you feel zero inspiration to use them or zero connection to them.

  • You want to share more meaningful (writing and photos) that people like reading and that also provide some value to the reader. Of course!

  • But you’re also stuck. Ugh. What do you write about? Are you good enough to write publicly?

I created the most fun and easy solution to this: let ME just get you started.

Welcome to the Content Subscription:

  • 28 total photos sent over the month

  • 7 photos arrive weekly for 4 weeks on Sunday morning 8am EST

    • this is fun because you have something to look forward to weekly, but you also are limited in the amount of images you can choose from that week and it battles that cereal-aisle confusion (aka too many options to choose from)

  • And in my emails I also offer writing prompts for the entire month so that using those images and writing that content is easy and fun and relevant and a breeze. Truly.


Sometimes The Universe is so fucking annoying. But she's always right!


Luckily you can make your own soft serve at home.