One of the best things that happened to me was that my business didn't “work” like I thought it should.

I spent 10 years of my life (my 30’s) building a business that I ended up walking away from.

I spent the years I could have been building a family building a business that I no longer benefit from– or so I thought.

But the truth is that without that business, I could not be the coach I am today. I could not help women build better companies. Without that firsthand experience, I would not be able to help in the way I’m meant to.

I can use what didn’t work in mine as lessons for other women.

I can use my own experience to share that our society still mistreats women, especially women with perceived power.

I can use my own experience to help shine a light on the traps that many women (without adequate coaching / healing) will find themselves in while starting, running and growing their businesses.

I can help more people suffer less.

I can help more women gain financial independence, and love their lives at the same time.

I would NOT have been able to do that without the past 10 years and my own struggles.

One of the very best things that has happened to me is that my business did not ‘succeed’ in various ways that had nothing to do with me, and in some ways that had everything to do with me. It’s the confusion that keeps us stuck. Clarity tells us– ‘THIS is the problem’, and then our brains can fix it. Confusion tells us– ‘Who knows what’s wrong?’ There’s no way to fix a problem you can’t define.

THAT right there, that clarity, is worth every struggle and every ‘lost’ dollar.

My business was the ultimate teacher because I gave it my all. I didn’t hedge my bets. I was fully in. It was painful because I was in it fully, with my entire heart and being. And that pain? It taught me more than the success ever could.


Why are women often pursuing purpose in business while men seem free to solely pursue profit?


Here's what I'd ask before hiring a coach. It'll help you both, I promise.